At the risk of offending the millions of cat lovers I know are out there (including very close friends of mine) I am going to have a winge – no more like a rant!
First, I’d like to say that I have nothing in general against cats, or any other animal. Everything in its place, that’s what I believe, but surely if we as individuals choose to adopt an animal to share our lives, we should face the consequences and not inconvenience or offend others in the process.
Let me explain. I have chosen not to own a cat, not just because of my allergy to their fur, but also because it simply doesn’t suit me. So someone please tell me why I should, on a daily basis, have to be reduced to picking up, treading (or do my best not to) in cat poo over my front and/or back garden? In addition, why do I have to live with the anxiety that a cat or cats will be excreting all over my vegetables? Can anyone give me an answer to that?
Could my predicament be because I live in an area where there are just too many cats or cat lovers? What do I do, move house and whilst hunting, ask: “Is there a ‘cat poo’ problem in this area?”