1. I’ve taken the time to style my hair into beautiful little twists to give my scalp some air and in the process exposed my greying roots, which are usually concealed.

2. Returning home late last night after visiting friends, there was a dark ball rooted in the middle of my doorstep. First I froze, went into fight or flight mode, dreading it was a big rat, perhaps hiding its tail. But on careful examination (at a good distance, of course) I discovered it was a prickly hedgehog. A hedgehog? What here at my doorstep in London? Yes! Wonders will never cease, eh? Then…
3. on the same night, as I was in the kitchen getting myself a drink, I took one step, then another and wondered why under one of my feet felt sticky. I looked at the floor, saw somethng that could have been a piece of apple skin (gone brown, of course) and again, on close examination, found I’d just stepped on a slug. Yikes! I screamed. Yes, it was a slug! How did it get into the kitchen? I’ll never know. I’m sure my relatively new kitchen is slug tight.
On reflection, perhaps it slowly wandered in through the opened back door ‒ to get out of the heat. But don’t they say, if you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen? Oh, slugs don’t know that …
Seems the sudden heat has an effect on all creatures great and small.
But what about my writing, you might want to know. Well… it’s happening … .
A bit more on that in my next blog, perhaps.