I first came across, Nicole Y. Dennis-Benn’s debut novel, ‘Here comes the sun’, through writer, blogger and book reviewer, Anne Goodwin. Neither the book cover nor the title appealed to me at first. They both seemed too light hearted and brought to mind too many negative images around the ongoing political debate on Caribean tourism. Hence, I only skimmed through Anne’s review and, at the end, decided (to support the writer (something I regularly do) by (one day soon) picking up a second hand copy of the novel. | Weeks later, during a discussion with Anne Goodwin on the novel, she asked for my opinion on it. I was engrossed in another novel at the time, but considered it and later, ventured a read. I didn't get into it until after the first couple of pages, but after that, I was hooked. I found Nicole Dennis-Ben’s writing style to be beautiful and refreshing; her characters true to life and the issues raised by the novel explosively ‘political’. My only disappointment was with the ending. But I’ll let you decide yourself what you think on that. Take my word for it, Nicole Benn’s ‘Here comes the sun’, is truly worth a read. |